how to catapult in pubg xbox

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a renowned battle royale game that challenges players to outlast others in an ever-shrinking battlefield. With its diverse mechanics and dynamic gameplay, PUBG offers players numerous ways to gain an advantage.

One of the innovative tools introduced in PUBG is the catapult, a game-changer for mobility and tactical strategies. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about using the catapult effectively in PUBG on Xbox, from understanding its mechanics to advanced techniques and best practices.

Understanding the Catapult Mechanic

In PUBG, the catapult is a unique device that allows players to launch themselves or their teammates into the air. This tool provides a significant advantage by covering large distances quickly and efficiently. The catapult can be used for various purposes, including escaping danger, reaching otherwise inaccessible areas, or launching surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies.

When activated, the catapult propels players into the air at high speeds. The player then glides to a designated location, allowing for rapid repositioning and strategic maneuvering. This mechanic adds a new layer of strategy to the game, as players must decide the optimal time and place to use the catapult.

Setting Up the Catapult

To use the catapult in PUBG on Xbox, you first need to locate one on the map. Catapults are typically found in specific areas and are marked on the map when nearby. These locations can vary between matches, so familiarizing yourself with common catapult locations can give you an edge.

Once you find a catapult, interact with it by pressing the “X” button on your Xbox controller. This action will activate the catapult, and you can then position yourself or a teammate on the catapult to prepare for launch. Proper setup is crucial for a successful launch, so take your time to ensure everything is in place.

Key Controls for Catapulting

Using the catapult effectively requires a good understanding of the controls:

  1. Activate the Catapult: Press the “X” button to interact with the catapult.
  2. Adjust the Angle: Use the right joystick to adjust the angle of launch. This will determine how high and how far you will travel.
  3. Launch: Press the trigger button (usually “RT”) to initiate the launch.

Make sure your controller settings are optimized for sensitivity. Proper sensitivity settings can make aiming and launching much easier, providing you with a more precise control over your trajectory.

Launching Yourself with the Catapult

Successfully launching yourself with the catapult involves several steps:

  1. Position Yourself: Stand on the catapult pad. Ensure that you are well-positioned to make the most of the launch.
  2. Adjust the Angle: Use the right joystick to set the angle based on your target location. Higher angles provide more altitude but less distance, while lower angles offer greater horizontal distance.
  3. Launch: Press “RT” to initiate the launch. Your character will be propelled into the air, and you can use the left joystick to make minor adjustments to your direction while airborne.

Advanced Techniques

For players looking to master the catapult, several advanced techniques can enhance your gameplay:

  1. Aerial Maneuvers: While airborne, use the left joystick to make minor adjustments to your trajectory. This can help you navigate around obstacles or fine-tune your landing spot.
  2. Mid-Air Adjustments: Adjust your flight path by using the joystick to either slow down your descent or steer towards specific landing zones. Mastering these adjustments can make landing much more precise.
  3. Extending Flight Distance: Timing your jump as you launch can give you a slight boost, potentially increasing your distance. This technique requires practice to perfect but can be invaluable in crucial moments.

Best Places to Use the Catapult

The effectiveness of the catapult can vary depending on your location and objectives. Here are some of the best places to use the catapult:

  1. Mountainous Areas: Use the catapult to quickly reach higher ground, gaining a tactical advantage over enemies.
  2. Open Fields: Propel yourself across open areas to avoid being an easy target for snipers and other enemies.
  3. Enemy Territories: Surprise enemies by launching yourself into their positions unexpectedly. This can create confusion and provide opportunities for ambushes.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

To maximize the benefits of the catapult, it’s important to avoid common errors:

  1. Misjudging Distance: Always check the map and ensure your landing area is within reach. Misjudging the distance can lead to dangerous situations.
  2. Incorrect Angles: Pay attention to the angle of launch to avoid falling short or overshooting your target. Experiment with different angles to find the optimal settings for various scenarios.
  3. Being Shot Mid-Air: Launch only when you’re confident that the area is clear of enemies who could shoot you down. Always scan the area before using the catapult.

Team Coordination with Catapult

Using the catapult effectively as a team requires coordination and communication:

  1. Communication: Keep your team informed about your launch plan. Coordinate with your teammates to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Timing: Ensure that all team members are ready before initiating the catapult. Proper timing can make the difference between a successful and a failed launch.
  3. Covering Each Other: Have one teammate provide cover while others launch. This can help protect against enemy encounters and increase the chances of a successful operation.

Offensive Uses of the Catapult

The catapult can be a powerful tool for offensive strategies:

  1. Surprise Attacks: Launch into enemy territory for a surprise assault. The element of surprise can catch enemies off guard and provide an advantage in combat.
  2. Flanking Enemies: Use the catapult to quickly move behind enemy lines and attack from unexpected angles. This can disrupt enemy formations and create opportunities for your team.
  3. Reaching High Ground: Secure high ground positions that provide a tactical advantage. High ground can offer better visibility and strategic benefits during engagements.

Defensive Uses of the Catapult

Defensively, the catapult is invaluable for:

  1. Evading Enemies: Quickly escape from a dangerous situation by launching yourself to a safe location. This can help you avoid being overwhelmed or trapped.
  2. Escaping Dangerous Zones: If caught outside the safe zone, the catapult can help you move quickly to avoid taking damage. Use it to reposition and stay within the safe area.
  3. Relocating Quickly: Use the catapult to reposition yourself during a firefight, making it harder for enemies to target you. Rapid movement can be crucial in high-stress situations.

Improving Your Catapult Skills

Improving your catapult skills requires practice and dedication:

  1. Practice Routines: Regularly practice using the catapult in different scenarios to improve your accuracy and timing. Set aside time to focus on catapult training.
  2. Watching Pro Players: Learn from experienced players by watching how they use the catapult effectively. Observing their techniques can provide valuable insights and strategies.
  3. Using Custom Games: Set up custom games with friends to practice catapult launches without the pressure of a real match. This allows for experimentation and refinement of your skills.

Situational Awareness

Being aware of your surroundings is crucial when using the catapult:

  1. Understanding the Map: Know the terrain and where you’re most likely to find catapults. Familiarity with the map can help you plan your launches more effectively.
  2. Awareness of Nearby Enemies: Always scan the area for enemies before launching. Being aware of potential threats can prevent ambushes and ensure a safer launch.
  3. Knowing When to Use the Catapult: Use the catapult strategically, avoiding unnecessary launches that could expose you to danger. Consider the timing and context of your launch to maximize its effectiveness.

Catapult in Different Game Modes

The catapult can be used differently depending on the game mode:

  1. Solo Mode: Use the catapult for quick repositioning and avoiding fights. In solo mode, mobility and evasion can be key to survival.
  2. Duo Mode: Coordinate with your partner to launch simultaneously for double the impact. Teamwork can enhance the effectiveness of the catapult.
  3. Squad Mode: Use the catapult to split up the squad, confusing enemies and attacking from multiple angles. Strategic use of the catapult can create opportunities for your team.
  4. Arcade Mode: Enjoy more frequent opportunities to use the catapult for rapid gameplay. Arcade mode often features more dynamic and fast-paced action.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you encounter issues while using the catapult, consider the following:

  1. Addressing Common Problems: Check for in-game bugs that may prevent the catapult from working correctly. Consult the game’s support resources for assistance.
  2. Control Issues: Make sure your controller is responsive and settings are optimized for smooth gameplay. Adjust sensitivity settings if needed.
  3. Game Bugs: Stay updated with patch notes as developers often fix known issues in updates. Regularly check for game updates to ensure optimal performance.

Updates and Changes to Catapult

PUBG frequently updates its mechanics, which can impact the catapult:

  1. Keeping Up with PUBG Updates: Regularly check for game updates that might introduce changes to the catapult. Staying informed about updates can help you adapt your strategies.
  2. How Changes Impact Catapult Use: Be aware that changes to the game can affect how the catapult operates. Adjust your gameplay accordingly to make the most of any new features or modifications.

FAQs about Catapulting in PUBG

  1. How far can the catapult launch you? The distance depends on the angle and timing of the launch. Experiment with different angles to find the optimal settings for your needs.
  2. Can you control your direction mid-air? Yes, minor adjustments can be made using the joystick. Practice making these adjustments to improve your landing accuracy.
  3. Is the catapult available on all maps? The availability of the catapult may vary by map and game mode. Familiarize yourself with common catapult locations for each map.
  4. Can the catapult be destroyed? No, the catapult is a fixed structure that cannot be destroyed. It remains available for use throughout the match.
  5. What happens if I miss my target landing zone? You might take fall damage or land in an unexpected, potentially dangerous area. Always aim carefully to avoid landing in hazardous locations.
  6. Is there a cooldown period for using the catapult? No, the catapult can be used repeatedly without a cooldown. However, be strategic about its use to maximize its benefits.


Mastering the catapult in PUBG on Xbox can significantly enhance your gameplay by providing a unique mobility option. Whether you’re using it for offense, defense, or simply to move quickly across the map, understanding how to effectively use the catapult can give you a crucial edge over your opponents. Practice regularly, stay aware of your surroundings, and keep up with any game updates to ensure you’re always ready to launch!

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